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Hearing Aids

Oticon Hearing Aids

Longmont, Colorado

Longmont Hearing and Tinnitus Center is an authorized provider of Oticon hearing aids in Longmont, CO.

Longmont Hearing & Tinnitus Center offers a variety of hearing aids to fit any style preference, need, and budget. We are a fully independent audiology practice dedicated to fitting you with the right technology for your needs. That means we are NOT owned or beholden to any hearing aid manufacturer.

We only work with large reputable manufacturers, ensuring that the product we help you choose is the best available. We only dispense major manufacturers’ products so that no matter where you are, you can obtain the care and service that you deserve to treat hearing loss.

Oticon is one of the top hearing aid manufacturers and has been acknowledged globally for its premiere innovative technology offerings for people with hearing loss. All Oticon hearing aids are powered with its proprietary BrainHearing™ philosophy, specifically designed to support the brain’s natural process of making sense of sound.

Below are the latest Oticon hearing aids available


Oticon More is a revolutionary hearing aid powered with BrainHearing™ technology to give the brain a boost to make better sense of sound. Enjoy better speech understanding with less listening effort and the ability to retain more information.

With Oticon More, users can enjoy up to 30% more sound to the brain resulting in increased speech understanding by 15% and overall reduced listening effort. Hear more with less stress.


Say goodbye to disposable batteries. With Oticon Opn S, you get a full day’s power with its rechargeable, long-wearing battery. Experience groundbreaking open sound experience, outstanding performance and seamless connectivity to other devices.

Oticon Opn S has a discreet design with a sleek and stylish charger so you don’t have to compromise aesthetics over functionality.


Oticon Ruby is designed to make life easier with its wireless connectivity to various devices. Enjoy high quality sound streaming with your favorite music, podcasts, videos, and phone calls.

With Oticon’s extensive range of supporting apps, Oticon Ruby can be connected to remote controls and multiple TV adapters. Experience the freedom of moving seamlessly throughout the day with Oticon Ruby.


Meet the world’s most powerful hearing aid specially designed for people with severe to profound hearing loss. Having severe to profound hearing loss can be really challenging especially when you are trying to follow a conversation with a group of people.

Comprehending can be a real struggle when several people are talking at the same time. Add to that a noisy ambience and you can just imagine the chaos and vagueness that a person with hearing impairment experiences. These struggles are what Oticon Xceed is designed to address. With Oticon Xceed, users can discover a groundbreaking technology that allows them to not only follow conversations efficiently, but to actively take part in conversations without relying on lip reading or double-guessing.

Oticon CROS


Single-sided deafness can be tricky. While you still have one good ear, trying to pinpoint who is talking in a room full of people can be quite challenging. People with single-sided deafness typically have difficulty locating the source of the sound even if they still have functional hearing in their other ear. The Oticon CROS family is specially designed to help people with single-sided deafness.

Oticon CROS PX and Oticon CROS are powered with an advanced dual-streaming technology that allows wireless streaming while still accessing the relevant sounds in the environment. With the Oticon CROS hearing aids, you can watch TV or listen to music while carrying on a conversation with someone on your poorer hearing side. Actively participate in conversations with confidence in all types of listening environments!


Oticon ITE hearing aids are engineered to fit the ear precisely. With in-the-ear hearing aids, you can enjoy the most personalized hearing care possible.

Oticon ITE features a perfect blend of aesthetic, superior comfort, and unrivaled sound quality. In-the-ear hearing aids can be customized and crafted for each patient’s unique needs and preferences. Oticon ITE hearing aids are available in five colors and styles that come with a wide range of convenient features and sound processing technology. Looking for an invisible Oticon hearing aid? The Oticon ITE may just be the perfect solution!

Audiologists at Longmont Hearing and Tinnitus Center are experts in fitting and crafting customized hearing aids for various anatomy and cosmetic preferences.

Oticon OPN Play

Parents of children with hearing loss are extra careful when it comes to interventions and treatments. With Oticon Opn Play, parents can rest easy knowing that this hearing aid offers cutting-edge technology that allows a child to learn, play, grow, and THRIVE.

Opening new doors to pediatric hearing care, Oticon Opn Play gives children 360º access to the world and helps them differentiate between meaningful sound and irrelevant, disturbing sound or noise. With the OpenSound Navigator™ technology, speech understanding in noisy environments is improved, boosting incidental learning by giving children access to multiple speakers in the environment.

Oticon Xceed Play

Meet the world’s most powerful pediatric hearing aid. Oticon Xceed Play is the only hearing aid on the market that gives an open sound experience to children of all ages diagnosed with severe to profound hearing loss. Oticon Xceed Play comes in 12 different bright and beautiful colors that are both attractive to the child and can be selected to compliment their hair and skin tones. Both styles are super child-friendly and come with a fun collection of decorative stickers for personalization.

Oticon Hearing Aids - Longmont, Colorado

Untreated hearing loss, even at the mildest level, can lead to serious negative impacts on your health and overall wellness. In several studies conducted, people with hearing loss who did not bother to use hearing aids, had higher risk of dementia. Oticon acknowledges these risks and designs their hearing aids to support not only the ears but the brain as well.

To know more about Oticon hearing aids, give us a call or schedule an appointment at our audiology clinic in Longmont, CO, today!

Our office will be closed 7/3-7/5 for Independence Day!