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Hearing Aids

Types of Hearing Aids

Longmont, Colorado

Longmont Hearing and Tinnitus Center has audiologists who can help you choose among various types of hearing aids in Longmont, CO.

Types of Hearing Aids

At Longmont Hearing & Tinnitus Center, we offer a variety of hearing aids to fit any style preference, need, and budget.

We are a fully independent audiology practice dedicated to fitting you with the right technology for your needs. That means we are NOT owned by or beholden to any hearing aid manufacturer.

We work with all of the major reputable manufacturers, ensuring that the product you choose is the best available and that no matter where you are you can obtain the care and service that you deserve.

Technological advances have produced more options in hearing aid electronics and styles than ever before, and there are continual gains being made in the industry. Electronics, price, and style all play a part in the choice of a hearing aid. 

Longmont Hearing & Tinnitus Center services most brands of devices. When was the last time you had your hearing aids checked?

Make an appointment with us today, and let’s make sure your device is in tip-top shape!

How Does A Hearing Aid Work?

To help you better understand the different types of hearing aids, knowing the basic parts of the device is a must. All hearing aids have the same parts that carry sounds from the environment to the ear. Most hearing aids are digital, and all are either powered by a rechargeable battery or a traditional hearing aid battery.

Small microphones are responsible for identifying, collecting, and picking up sounds from the environment. A computer chip with an amplifier then converts the incoming sound into digital code. It does this by analyzing and adjusting the sound based on the wearer’s hearing loss, listening needs, and level of ambient sound. The amplified signals are then converted into sound waves and delivered to the ears through receivers (also known as speakers).

Communication Needs Assessment

At Longmont Hearing & Tinnitus Center, we’re dedicated to providing hearing aids that are properly fitted and customized to every individual patient’s needs. Hearing aid assessments are part of the fitting process and help to ensure the appropriate hearing aids / assistive devices are selected and properly fit.


AZBio sentences were developed as a metric of performance in everyday listening environments, and the test results are considered more representative of a patient’s hearing ability outside of the clinic environment. This is a common test used to assess hearing after a cochlear implant.


The hearing aid / assistive device demonstration consists of fitting the appropriate device along with a discussion on the appropriate technology and features that will most benefit the patient. This demonstration allows the patient to experience the benefit of the hearing aids / assistive device in their own environment, where they encounter the most difficulty.


The QuickSIN is a speech-in-noise test that measures the ability to hear in a noisy environment. Speech understanding in noise cannot be reliably predicted from the audiogram or other standard hearing tests.


The APHAB is a valuable clinical instrument. It is useful for quantifying the disability associated with a hearing loss, and the benefit that is achieved with a hearing aid or assistive device.


Real Ear Measurement (REM) represents a valid, repeatable and reliable method of assessing the sound pressure level in the ear canal, with or without a hearing instrument in place. The measurement is taken during your hearing aid fitting using a calibrated probe tube placed 3mm-5mm from the tympanic membrane. The primary purpose of REM is to measure the performance of a hearing instrument while in the patient’s ear to ensure that sounds are audible, comfortable, and tolerable across the frequencies of the patient’s reduced dynamic range.


This test is used as needed to determine individual acceptable noise intensities while listening to speech. Calculations can be used as a predictor of potential success with hearing instruments.

Types of Hearing Aids

There are different types of hearing aids based on their design, technology, and how they are powered.

Types of Hearing Aids - Behind the Ear



Completely-in-the-canal hearing aids are molded to fit inside the ear canal. These improve mild to moderate hearing loss in adults.



In-the-canal (ITC) hearing aids are custom molded and fit completely in the ear canal. This type of hearing aid can improve mild to moderate hearing loss in adults.


How to choose the best hearing aid?

With so many different types of hearing aids available on the market, choosing the best device that fits your needs and lifestyle can be tricky. At Longmont Hearing and Tinnitus Center, we are dedicated to staying on top of your hearing health. From performing diagnostic hearing tests, to walking you through the various types of hearing aids, to fitting assistive devices, we are your partner in achieving your hearing health goals!

Our office will be closed 7/3-7/5 for Independence Day!