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Hearing Protection

Longmont, Colorado

Longmont Hearing & Tinnitus Center offers a wide variety of generic and custom hearing protection options at very affordable prices.

Noises Can Pose Damage to Hearing

The world is full of sounds and noise. Some noises can pose damage to hearing, which could lead to tinnitus, hearing loss, and difficulty in communicating in background noise. Did you know that permanent noise-induced hearing damage is incurable? This is why it’s very important to use hearing protection to ensure that your hearing is safe and sound.


You can reduce noise exposure by turning down the volume, limiting the time you are exposed to loud sounds, or moving away from the sound source. However, if you have no control over those things, your best bet is to use hearing protection. And not just any ordinary hearing protection; you need effective and reliable hearing protection.


Hearing protection comes in various shapes, sizes, styles, colors, and materials. How can you know which one is best for you? Audiologists Longmont Hearing and Tinnitus Center can help you pick the right hearing protection that is ideal for your needs, lifestyle, and budget.


Recreational noise exposure to excessive noise is one of the most common causes of hearing loss, and one of the most common occupational illnesses in the United States. A single shot from a shotgun, experienced at close range, may permanently damage your hearing in an instant. Repeated exposures to loud machinery may, over an extended period of time, present serious risks to human hearing.

Hearing Protection for Employment

For employees who are assigned a job that exposes them to loud noises, hearing protection is a must. Hearing care experts recommend that employees should be required to wear hearing protectors when engaged or exposed in work that involves loud noises at dangerous decibels (equal to or beyond 85 dBA in an 8-hour shift). Ideally, the employer should provide hearing protection at no cost to their employees.

Whether you are working with big equipment, machinery, or doing manual labor, if you know you are going to be exposed to loud noises for an extended period of time, use hearing protection.

Types of Earmolds


These are used to prevent water from entering the ear. Instances for use would include when there is a perforation of the eardrum (either naturally acquired or through surgery). Surgically placed ventilation tubes help to relieve middle ear fluid build-up. Originally designed to prevent moisture from entering the ear canal while surface swimming or showering, the AQ is also a superb sound attenuator. They are available in a variety of colors and color combinations, with a Noise Reduction Rating of 27 dB.


These plugs are specially made to reduce sound by a given amount of decibels (dB). Typically, the reduction is either 9, 15, or 25 dB. The sound is reduced by a given amount across the auditory spectrum. This means that the quality of the music is not altered by the plug; only that the sound is reduced in amplitude. By comparison, an ordinary earplug will reduce high notes more effectively than low-pitched notes. This will give the listener more of a bass sound, with little of the sharper qualities of the music.


These are custom plugs which fit the ear, and block out as much sound as possible. Uses include construction, noisy concerts, streets and light rails, and noisy neighbors.


Hearing aid molds do break down and have to be replaced depending on use and normal wear and tear. Longmont Hearing and Tinnitus Center offers a wide variety of ear molds and swim molds.

Hearing Protection - Longmont, Colorado

Remember, hearing protection helps prevent hearing loss. If you have any questions about what kind of hearing protection to get, we’re here to help! Longmont Hearing & Tinnitus Center offers a wide variety of generic and custom hearing protection options at very affordable prices. We offer personalized comfort and protection in one because hearing protection helps prevent hearing loss! Make an appointment today to get fitted with custom hearing protection that can help you avoid hearing loss. Give us a call, and let’s see how we can work to ensure your hearing health is protected.

Our office will be closed 7/3-7/5 for Independence Day!