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Online Hearing Test

Taking an online hearing test may be easy, accessible, and convenient, but the results of online hearing tests need to be verified by an audiologist.

Online Hearing Test

In today’s modern world, almost everything is automated and done online, from paying bills to food deliveries to telemedicine. You may have come across online hearing tests. Although online hearing tests are commonly used as a preliminary test to check one’s hearing, the results of online hearing tests need to be verified by an audiologist.

Online Hearing Test

Get an initial hearing assessment from the comfort and privacy of your home.

When do you need a hearing test?

If any of these situations sound familiar, you may want to consider getting a hearing test.

People living with you complain that the TV is too loud.

You struggle hearing people who are talking from a distance.

You tend to say “what” or ask someone to repeat what they just said.

Your partner suggests you might need to get a hearing test.

Online Hearing Test FAQs

Yes, you can actually take a home hearing test today to help determine whether or not you have symptoms of hearing loss.

You can ask your primary care provider for a recommendation or referral to a local audiologist. Longmont Hearing and Tinnitus Center provides a wide range of diagnostic hearing tests and evaluations that can accurately determine if you have hearing loss, as well as identify the type and its severity. 

If you’ve already taken an online hearing test, bring the results to your audiologist so you can give them an idea or a background of your hearing status. Audiologists can correlate the results of your online hearing test with the results of your actual, face-to-face hearing test.

A hearing appointment begins with patients filling out some paperwork on things like family background, hospitalization data, and medical history. This provides the audiologist with a more detailed picture to use for a diagnosis, unlike online hearing tests, which are very superficial.
Click here to read about What to Expect during Diagnostic Hearing Tests.

Limitations of Online Hearing Tests

As practicing audiologists, we have nothing against online hearing tests. In fact, almost every hearing clinic or hearing aid manufacturer offers their own set of online hearing tests on their website. However, we want to emphasize the importance of correlating the results of an online hearing test with a hearing test performed by a hearing healthcare professional. An online hearing test has its limitations when it comes to the accuracy of the results. The venue, the noise around the room, and the equipment used can all affect the result of an online hearing test. Conversely, in a hearing clinic the area is really soundproof, so the results are guaranteed to be more accurate. When hearing loss is established, the next step is to get fitted with hearing aids. The type of hearing aid to be prescribed or recommended to a patient will greatly depend on the hearing test results.

Hearing Tests and Tinnitus Diagnostics - Longmont, Colorado

Taking an online hearing test may be easy, accessible, and convenient. However, getting evaluated by an audiologist is still the best and most accurate way to diagnose hearing loss, tinnitus, and other related conditions.

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