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Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Longmont Hearing and Tinnitus Center has audiologists providing tinnitus evaluations and treatment in Longmont, CO.

It is important to keep in mind that tinnitus is a symptom, not a disease. As such, the optimal treatment strategy should be directed toward eliminating the disease, rather than simply alleviating the symptom. Also, because it may be symptomatic of a more serious disorder, it is important to try to find the medical cause before deciding on treatment.

Longmont Hearing and Tinnitus Center specializes in tinnitus diagnosis and treatment. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) is the perception of a sound that has no external source. Some of the more common sounds reported are ringing, humming, buzzing, or cricket-like. It can be constant or intermittent, and is heard in one ear, both ears, or in the head. Not to worry, we specialize in tinnitus diagnosis and treatment, and we’re here to help!

It is important to keep in mind that tinnitus is a symptom, not a disease. As such, the optimal treatment strategy should be directed toward eliminating the disease, rather than simply alleviating the symptom. Also, because it may be symptomatic of a more serious disorder, it is important to try to find the medical cause before deciding on treatment.

Determining if you have tinnitus or not is also an important step prior to recommendation of treatment plans or intervention. Longmont Hearing and Tinnitus Center specializes in tinnitus diagnosis and treatment. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

Preventing and Minimizing Tinnitus

If the medical case of tinnitus cannot be eliminated (or treated), there are several management options to minimize it. Most…

At Longmont Hearing and Tinnitus Center, we’re here to do what we can to offer you relief.

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (Audiology Habituation)

We provide directive counseling, which includes intensive, individualized education on the causes and effects of tinnitus on the ear and the brain, as well as a method of coping. Low-level sound generators produce broadband noise via ear-level devices at a soft enough volume so that the brain perceives both the noise and the tinnitus. Eventually, the brain may relearn a pattern that will de-emphasize the importance of tinnitus. These devices also may be helpful in desensitizing patients who are overly sensitive to sound.

Acoustic Therapy

The use of an externally produced sound to either cover up or in some way inhibit or alter production of tinnitus can offer relief for some. There are six main methods of acoustic stimulation:

  • A sound generator, sometimes called tinnitus masker, is an ear-level electronic device housed in a hearing aid case that produces a white noise.
  • A tinnitus instrument is a combination hearing aid and sound generator.
  • Hearing aids help to amplify speech as well as environmental noise. Hearing aids stimulate areas of the ear and brain that otherwise may not be receiving adequate stimulation because of hearing loss.
  • A tabletop or portable sound generator, such as a fan, radio, or television, can be purchased at certain electronic suppliers.
  • Home masking, using such items as electric fans, radios or television.
  • Music therapy (see below).

If masking noise does not provide sufficient relief, there are other strategies that can help reduce the impact of tinnitus on your quality of life.

Music Therapy

Many patients find that music, particularly classical pieces that don’t contain wide variations in loudness (amplitude) can be soothing. The music both calms the limbic system (the emotional processor in the brain that is commonly negatively linked to a patient’s reaction to tinnitus) and stimulates the auditory cortex. If hearing loss is present, it may be necessary to alter the spectrum of the music so that the cortical neurons receive appropriate stimulation.


The use of hearing aids, or a combination of hearing aids and maskers, are often effective ways to minimize tinnitus. While it is not clear whether hearing aids help by amplifying background sounds that can mask out tinnitus or by actually altering the production of it, most hearing aid wearers report at least some reduction in their tinnitus. This may be due to the reduction in contrast between tinnitus and silence, or because of the new stimulation provided to the brain.


There is no medication or herbal supplement medically proven to alleviate tinnitus symptoms. Some antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications are helpful for certain patients; however, more research is needed in this area. Many medications have tinnitus listed as a side effect. Speak with your physician if you begin experiencing tinnitus or it worsens with a medication change. We recommend scheduling an appointment with Longmont Hearing and Tinnitus Center. We can evaluate your tinnitus and make recommendations for possible steps forward to hearing health.

Tinnitus FAQs

To keep tinnitus from getting worse, take extra precautions to protect your hearing. If you know that you are going to be exposed to loud sounds (i.e you work with loud and heavy machinery or are going to spend some time hunting or at a shooting range), you need to wear proper hearing protection to avoid triggering or worsening tinnitus symptoms.

For most people, tinnitus is constant with some fluctuation in loudness or perception. For some, exposure to extremely loud noises may trigger a tinnitus flare-up that may last 16-48 hours but subsides gradually. You may have experienced a temporary ringing in your ears after a concert or sporting event or an acute noise exposure. In cases with prolonged tinnitus symptoms, medical attention is recommended.

Some over-the-counter drugs and supplements are misleadingly marketed as “tinnitus remedies” or “miracle cures.” Unfortunately, there is still no reliable scientific or medical evidence that these products — or the ingredients within them — have any impact on tinnitus. When it comes to tinnitus treatment and management, consultation with an audiologist is recommended. A series of tests will be performed to rule out any underlying conditions. Once these are ruled out, it is easier to come up with an effective tinnitus treatment management plan.

Tinnitus Diagnosis and Management - Longmont, Colorado

Tinnitus can range from annoying to downright debilitating. Whether you are able to tolerate tinnitus symptoms or not, getting the right diagnosis and ruling out any serious medical condition is critical to getting relief. If you are concerned about your tolerance to noise, let us help! Schedule an appointment with our Doctors of Audiology today. We’re here to help.

Our office will be closed 7/3-7/5 for Independence Day!