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Communication Training: Hearing Aids & Brain Health

Welcome to another post providing an overview of our Communication Training Series! Today, we wanted to talk about hearing aids and brain health. As you already know, hearing devices are only a small part of the communication puzzle. So we’re going to learn more about that today. We also wanted to discuss the important connection between your hearing and brain health. New studies are uncovering some remarkable findings.

Hearing Aids: What to expect

Wearing hearing devices isn’t a matter of getting them fitted, and then you have 100% restored hearing. Like with most worthwhile things in life, it takes time to get used to, and practice. Hearing aids need to be accepted by your brain. So it’s important to be kind and compassionate with yourself as you go through this transition period. Here’s what we know to be true:

  • It will take time to adjust to hearing aids and to realize their full potential.
  • Some sounds may be strange initially, including footsteps, birds chirping, and paper rustling.
  • Hearing in quiet will always be easier than hearing in noise.
  • Soft speech should be audible, conversational speech comfortable, and loud speech not uncomfortable.
  • No whistling should occur if the hearing aids are seated properly.
  • Your own voice may sound different when you are wearing hearing aids.
  • Talking on the phone may feel awkward at first as you experiment with proper phone placement and different technology options.
  • It is absolutely necessary to return to your hearing care provider for follow up visits and fine-tuning adjustments to the hearing aids.
  • Treat yourself to easy listening situations (one-on-one conversations in quiet environments) during the first few days or weeks with the hearing aids as your brain adjusts to hearing again.
  • You will experience maximum benefit and success with your hearing aids if you wear them every day and follow the strategies taught in this program!

We hope that these simple tips will help on the road to success with getting comfortable with your hearing aids. Of course, should you have any questions, that’s what we’re here for. Give us a call, and we’ll do all we can to help!

Hearing & Brain Health

Treating hearing loss is more about ensuring you are able to hear. New research is showing a strong link between untreated hearing loss and dementia. Studies are showing that when we leave hearing loss untreated, a part of our brain stops receiving auditory input. With lack of activity in the brain region, it becomes weak, just like other muscles in our body, if we don’t use it, we lose it.

Other research shows that many people with untreated hearing loss tend to isolate themselves in order to avoid the frustration of not being able to hear. Unfortunately, social isolation is also linked to an increase in dementia.

The good news is, if you’re reading this right now, you’re already on the right path by actively treating your hearing loss with auditory rehabilitation. Whether you are wearing hearing aids, have a cochlear implant, or are getting your hearing tested for the first time, you’re on the right track! Pair that with our Communication Training program, and you’re setting yourself up for success while keeping your brain healthy and strong.

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