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Summer and Loud Sounds

Summer is in full swing!  It’s the season many individuals look forward to each year, and it often means vacations, outdoor activities, gardening, home improvement projects, sporting events, and festivals. One thing many summer activities have in common is dangerously loud sounds. Hearing loss and tinnitus can ruin even the best of summers! In an effort to protect our hearing and to make sure we do all we can to keep our hearing loss to a minimum, we wanted to share a noise chart of average decibel levels of everyday sounds so you know what’s what.

The source for this chart can be found here.

Painful impulse noise—Not safe for any period of time
150 dBP = fireworks at 3 feet, firecracker, shotgun
140 dBP = firearms
Painful steady noise—Not safe for any period of time
130 dBA = jackhammer
120 dBA = jet plane takeoff, siren, pneumatic drill
Extremely loud—Dangerous to hearing; wear earplugs or earmuffs
112 dBA = maximum output of some MP3 players, rock concert, chainsaw
106 dBA = gas leaf blower, snowblower
100 dBA = tractor, listening with earphones
94 dBA = hairdryer, kitchen blender, food processor
Very loud—Dangerous to hearing; wear earplugs or earmuffs
91 dBA = subway, passing motorcycle, gas mower
Moderate—Safe listening for any time period
70 dBA = group conversation, vacuum cleaner, alarm clock
60 dBA = typical conversation, dishwasher, clothes dryer
50 dBA = moderate rainfall
40 dBA = quiet room
Faint—Safe listening for any time period
30 dBA = whisper, quiet library

Just because loud sounds are common in the summer, it doesn’t mean you need to change your routine! Simply being aware of what sounds to steer clear from are helpful in protecting your hearing all year long. If you need more clarity on what sounds to stay away from, need help with your hearing aids, or anything else, give us a call!

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